PH Consulate General sheds light on OFWs’ concerns at a Labor-Day event in Chongqing

ZCQ 165 2024 Chongqing PCG PR Labor Day

Chongqing, 01 May 2024 – In a seminar organized by the Chongqing Filipino Teachers on Labor Day, the Philippine Consulate General in Chongqing addressed common concerns among overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in Chongqing regarding their employment contracts.

Vice Consul Adrian G. Miras explained the Consulate General’s procedures and requirements for the notarization of OFWs’ employment contracts. He also delved into the regulations governing direct hires, highlighting the minimum provisions and labor standards required in their employment contracts, particularly relevant to the significant number of teachers in Chongqing who are direct hires.

The open forum that followed not only prompted questions on local procedures for addressing concerns with their employers and the Labor Bureau, but also sparked a lively exchange of information, experiences, and practical tips among Filipino teachers in Chongqing, some of whom have been working in the megacity for over a decade.

“Even as you work in a foreign land, rest assured that the Philippine government is committed to promoting your welfare, such as by prescribing a set of minimum standards in your employment contract if only to safeguard your right to a just and humane treatment from your employers. At the same time, the Consulate General takes every opportunity to provide guidance on the necessary procedures and requirements to guarantee your compliance with pertinent regulations,” remarked Vice Consul Miras.

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