Chongqing PCG Personnel Learn of the Origin of and Traditions Surrounding the Chinese New Year and Spring Festival

13 January 2022 – To foster a deeper understanding of Chinese culture for the enhancement of people-to-people ties, the Philippine Consulate General in Chongqing conducted a lecture on Chongqing-specific customs and traditions observed during the Chinese New Year and Spring Festival which will be celebrated from 31 January to 6 February 2022. The orientation was led by Post’s senior interpreter, Mr. Wang Tian (Timothy Wong). (Top left) Mr. Wang explains the folk legend behind the Chinese New Year and Spring Festival, including its popular traditions and practices for this occasion. (Top right and bottom left) Post personnel absorb the deeper meanings of Chinese New Year symbols and customs. (Bottom right) Consulate personnel take part in a pop quiz that followed the lecture. (Photos by CQPCG) END