Philippine National Women’s Month in Chongqing Celebrated in Healing HeART for Every Juana

Chongqing PCG PH Womens Month Healing HeART

Chongqing, 19 March 2023 – The Philippine Consulate General hosted today an art workshop and fellowship for Filipino and Chinese women – its first in the southwest megacity of Chongqing.

Held at the official residence of Consul General Flerida Ann Camille P. Mayo, the event, dubbed “Healing HeART for Every Juana,” gathered ten (10) ladies from diverse backgrounds.  The participants included Filipino women married to Chinese citizens as well as Chinese executives coming from the airline, hotel, property management and health sectors.  

In her welcome remarks, Consul General Mayo discussed the value of National Women’s Month in shining a light on various issues affecting women.  “National Women’s Month in the Philippines occasions a deeper look at conditions that impede the fulfillment of women’s potentials, especially those who are falling through the cracks,” she observed.

Ms. Mafalda Soares Nunes, a Portuguese artist and teacher, guided the participants on a therapeutic journey of self-discovery through painting.  She provided participants with stenciled canvases of selected paintings by Filipino artists and coached them on basic art techniques using oils sent by Beijing-based Filipino artist Jensen Moreno.   With Original Pilipino Music (OPM) playing in the background as they painted, the Filipino participants commented hat the exercise evoked love for family as a common emotional response even as the Chinese ladies also found a personal connection to the images of women on their canvas.

The event culminated in a sharing session moderated by the Consul General and Ms. Soares Nunes.  Some participants confided stories of personal resilience while others proffered advice and affirmation.

Consul General Mayo closed the event with profuse thanks to Ms. Soares and all participants for the generous giving of self for the empowerment of women.  END