Temporary Ban of Entry of Pork Meat Products from Countries Implicated with African Swine Fever (ASF)

The Philippine Consulate General in Chongqing wishes to inform the travelers to the Philippines that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Order No. 2018-133 remains in effect.

The Order states that in the interest of consistency and coherent efforts in preventing the entry of African Swine Fever Virus in the country, the Philippines’ FDA, following the Department Agriculture Memorandum Orders No. 18 and 23 series of 2018, declares the temporary ban on entry of meat and meat products of domesticated or wild pig in nature from the following countries:

  1. China
  2. Hungary
  3. Latvia
  4. Poland
  5. Romania
  6. Russia
  7. Ukraine

Any person in transit arriving in the Philippine Ports of Entry, or food business operators found to violate the provisions of this Order shall be held liable under the Republic Act No. 9711, Republic Act No. 10611 and other pertinent laws, rules and regulations. A copy FDA Order No. 2018-133 is attached for further information. END

 22 March 2019