Updated as of 01 January 2024 


  1. Personal appearance;
  2. Original passport of the applicant and photocopy of the passport’s data and visa pages;
  3. Original and photocopy of the document to be notarized;
  4. Photocopy of the passport’s data page of both parties; and
  5. Fee: RMB190.00
  6. Number of Processing Days - Three (3) working days
  7. Expedite fee for one (1) day release - RMB 76.00 


Note: Payment may be made in cash or through bank transfer.


Additional requirements for the acknowledgement of contract of employment:

  1. Personal appearance of either one or both of the parties who signed the contract;
  2. Original passport of the party who apply for the acknowledgement of contract and photocopy of the passport’s data page;
  3. Original and photocopy of the contract to be notarized, both parties should have signed the contract, which must bear the company seal;
  4. Copy of the registration of the company; and
  5. Photocopy of the data page of both parties’/signatories’ passports.
  6. Fee: RMB190.00 

If the signatory for the employer is an authorized representative, the submission must include a duly executed authorization from the President or Chairperson of the company clearly specifying the (a) name of the authorized signatory, (b) in what capacity he or she is signing on behalf of the company, and (c) the delegation of the authority to sign on behalf of the company/ President/ Chairperson.

The authorization must contain an attachment of the passport data page/ national ID of the President or Chairperson delegating such authority to sign.

The employment contract should contain the minimum standards required under the POEA M.C. 08, series of 2018.

Note: Payment may be made in cash or through bank transfer.